Alo Drukpa Tours & Treks

Iron Bridge


The Thangthong Gyalpo Bridge, located at Tachog Monastery, is a historic iron bridge that spans the Paro Chhu (Paro River). With a rich legacy dating back 600 years, this bridge has been an iconic structure, bearing witness to the passage of time and historical events. Originally crafted by the legendary Tibetan polymath Thangtong Gyalpo, a prominent figure in Bhutanese and Tibetan history, the bridge serves as a testament to his multifaceted talents.

This significant structure faced challenges during a 1969 flood, resulting in its partial destruction. However, in 2005, a traditional restoration effort was undertaken, aiming to revive the bridge to its former glory. The restoration not only preserved the historical significance of the Thangthong Gyalpo Bridge but also ensured its continued role as a vital crossing over the Paro Chhu.

Thangtong Gyalpo, known for his contributions as an architect, physician, blacksmith, and civil engineer, left an indelible mark on the cultural and infrastructural landscape of Bhutan and Tibet. His ingenuity in creating durable iron bridges was crucial for connectivity in the region.

Visitors to the Thangthong Gyalpo Bridge not only experience the architectural prowess of the past but also connect with the cultural heritage and resilience that define Bhutan. The bridge, with its age-old charm and restored magnificence, stands as a living link to the craftsmanship and engineering brilliance of Thangtong Gyalpo, inviting admiration from those who traverse its historic path.

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